
This token must be included in the header of each packet sent to Zeus Server Authorization: Bearer token-received ZeusServer respond with authentication token.yourPasswordEncrypted: your ZeusWeb user password encrypted with AES-256-CBC using "authpass" provider in api_credentials.html.yourAuthAccount: "authaccount" from api_credentials.html.GET accounts/yourAuthAccount?authentication=yourPasswordEncrypted Create the request ( creating a request):.If the user has not a password, you must use "fJFYD42CMLEEKsUe" instead.


  • Encrypt your user password using the authpass provided ( view details).
  • authpass

  • Obtain your authaccount (encode to URL before using it) and authpass once logged on ZeusWeb, going to URL: api_credentials.html.
  • authpass

    To obtain an authentication token that allows you to use the API, you have to follow this steps: This page explains the authentication process.
